Role of the Administration Division
  1. Acquiring the staff carder approvals and undertaking carder update-related activities.
  2. Perform organizational functions assigned under departmental posts and disciplinary authority, including the preparation of a Scheme of Recruitment for non-combined service department-specific positions, managing recruitment processes, overseeing transfers, promotions, and enforcing disciplinary measures on officers
  3. To undertake general institutional tasks related to the responsibilities assigned to the department head concerning the appointment, transfer, promotion, and disciplinary oversight of all-island service/combined service officers, and to provide recommendations.
  4. Coordinating with the Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation Industries, Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government, Department of Management Services and Public Service Commission related to administrative functions.
  5. Managing the administrative and operational functions of the Circuit Bungalow situated in Matara Palolpitiya
  6. Rehabilitation and improvement of capital assets, including buildings, constructions, machinery, equipment, and vehicles at both the Head Office and the National Cinnamon Research and Training Centre. This also encompasses the acquisition of furniture, office equipment, machinery, land and land improvement, software development, and other related capital assets.
  7. Handling public complaints and grievances.
  8. Executing tasks related to corporate human resource development, including preparing and implementing human resource development plans.
  9. Managing activities related to granting advances to government officials.
  10. Drafting responses to parliamentary questions and preparing cabinet memoranda for ministry review.
  11. Referring and coordinating documents and reports to be submitted to the Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission, Commission to Investigate Bribery or Corruption, Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (Ombudsman), Committee on Public Petitions, Sectoral Oversight Committees, and Consultative Committee on Parliamentary Affairs.
  12. Managing vehicle administration and maintenance.
  13. Performing foundational tasks related to formulating legal and statutory requirements under the Cinnamon Development Act.
  14. Ensuring continuous office utility services.

The head office of the Department of Cinnamon Development was established in Karandeniya, Galle district. Among the department’s first major projects is the Cinnamon Gate project in Pinnaduwa, Galle.

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